As the 21st century unfolds, it is clear that learning is no longer a function of time and space. Traditional schooling methods are evolving as parents and students opt for more autonomy and flexibility through tailored approaches to learning. Why does high school Biology require 90 days of 90 minute classes? What if students can learn the concepts in a shorter time period? And, why does the learning all have to happen at school? Could it happen virtually? Or at home? These are the questions that are driving the evolution of schooling. And, these questions are driving many families to opt out of the traditional model and into virtual or home learning structures.
Cabarrus County Schools is asking the same questions. With this in mind, we are hoping to partner with home school families to offer supplemental high school courses. In particular, we believe there is interest in advanced courses, electives, world languages, sports, music, etc.
Traditionally, public schools have been closed to this idea. Those times are changing.
Currently, Cabarrus County Schools offers a variety of course choices to all students at the Cabarrus Virtual Academy. This curriculum allows students to complete a college prep curriculum in a virtual environment. Course offerings can be accessed by high school students and include both electives and core classes that meet N.C. standards for learning. Students will have the option of taking courses in a variety of ways that include fully asynchronous courses to courses with live sessions facilitated by Virtual Academy Teachers.